Sleep Audio Library

Studies show that Guided Imagery (or visualisation) is helpful for sleep and specifically for sleep quality. It has also been proven to reduce anxiety and is clinically recommended in NHS Insomnia Services.

Below are some guided audios The Sleep Sphere has designed to help you - these can be used as templates to help familiarise yourself with this practice. The most effective way of practising guided imagery for sleep is to create your own destination in your mind, a place that’s personal and unique to you, somewhere that has very happy and peaceful associations for you e.g. your favourite holiday spot, your favourite beach as a child etc.

We encourage you to cycle through your 5 senses as you practise this i.e. what can I see, what can I hear, what can I smell, what can I touch, what can I taste. By doing this, it will help transport you to that place, and provide competition for any racing thoughts or worries going through your mind at night.

For more information, read here.